1.15 Welcome Baby 5, Patrick

July 24, 2012 § Leave a comment

Even though I’ve wanted a girl from the beginning, I’ve never been disappointed with any of my children. As I brought home my fifth son, everyone greeted him with huge smiles all around in the living room.

Welcome my baby newborn son, Patrick Carrigan.
He was born with the traits Good and Loner.
(Loner? Yeah right, you’ll have 9 other siblings, I doubt you’ll hardly ever be alone O_O)

One morning soon after I had Patrick, I didn’t wake up in time for breakfast, and I went into the kitchen to find that Dylan had fed his younger brothers and was telling them to get ready for school.

It was awesome to see him being such a great older brother.

After the boys caught their bus and I had put Patrick and Lucas in their swings in the room next to us, Mickey and I find some very rare time alone.

“You know…this is our day off…and Patrick and Luke are asleep in their swings…”

And he never let me finish my sentence.

In the coming months, I never showed any signs of pregnancy.
I was sad, but I kept busy in my garden and decided not to tell Mickey yet.

My garden was pretty big now and producing some great quality veggies and fruits.
We never even went to the grocery store anymore.

I made the mistake of telling these two about the surprise birthday party I had planned for Jack.
And they giggled about it all day, especially Henry.

Soon it was time for the party and Mickey didn’t have a game! So he was there to celebrate his second eldest son becoming a teenager.

He rolled the Insane trait (to add to his other traits of Absent Minded, Brave, and Excitable).
Having two teens in the house sure was going to be interesting.

I still hadn’t told Mickey that I didn’t think I was pregnant, but, I think he noticed my distance.

He had been putting Lucas to bed every night.

And sometimes Dylan would come and get Patrick up, if I wasn’t feeling well enough to get out of bed.


While Mickey and I were in the garden I noticed that Henry was running like he was playing tag, but Dylan and Jack were no where in sight.

(Little do I know it’s actually Henry’s toy, Rosie, coming out to play with him.)

“Mickey I’m finally pregnant!” I said with joy. His grin was from ear to ear and he was beaming. “I’m so happy for us Carlee!”

“I was on my way home today…and I-”

“Mickey, if you bought another motorcycle- I’m going to-”
He laughed, “no sweetheart!”

They were beautiful purple flowers.
“You’re so sweet Mickey…”

Then I gave him a devilish grin…


I know Henry may look sweet, and he really is.
But he has his mean streaks…

I’d given Lucas a lollypop for helping with dishes earlier that day…

“Where’s your lolly Luke?” He said, laughing.
“Lollllleeeee!” Lucas giggled.

Then Henry took his candy.

Once I heard Lucas crying, I ran in the room and scolded Henry.
“Honey… you can’t just take things that don’t belong to you. Now say you’re sorry.” I said sternly.

“I’m sorry Luke. All better?”

“All betta Hennie,” Lucas said in his little voice.

I’d also been noticing that Jack was spending a lot of time alone, outside, looking at the stars by himself.
I figured that maybe Dylan would know why. And that he’d tell me about it if I asked.

“Dill do you know why Jack is always in the backyard…alone?”
Dylan didn’t answer right away and then scoffed.
“Ma you wouldn’t even believe me! It’s crazy!”

I laughed, “honey you can tell me anything,” I said, smiling.

“You know those things that one of your friends sent me and Jack? Those toys? Well apparently Jack played with Puck so much, that he believes he’s an actual person.” I looked at him with a weird look on my face. “What are you talking about Dill?”
He scoffed again, “I told you that you wouldn’t believe me.”

“I have to do homework Mom, could you go?” I was hurt that he was so impatient with me, “Dylan, it’s not that I don’t believe you, I just…it sounds strange…” I said, getting up and leaving.
“Mom…you should talk to Jack…I think that he probably needs you…” Dylan said, starting on his homework.

Henry was still trying to make it up to his little brother for being so mean, so he let him play blocks with him.

We decided this year, that we’d try to have a Christmas card.

First attempt: I forgot to look at the camera.

Second attempt: Dylan looked away and Mickey closed his eyes.

Third attempt: “Mom, I have to pee!” Henry said through clenched teeth and I looked at him with bug eyes, “really sweetheart? Right now?” He laughed, “I’ll hold it…”

Fourth attempt: “Oh my God…was that Luke!?” Mickey asked Dylan, “nah Dad it was Patrick!” He said laughing.

Fifth attempt (after diaper changes): Jack made this face.
And everyone sort of looked at him weird.
Finally the photographer said that we’d have to pick a picture that he had already taken that we liked soon, because he had another appointment.

We finally went with this one…

It may not be the Christmas card photo, but it sure does explain the craziness in our household!

1.14 Welcome Baby 4, Lucas

July 19, 2012 § Leave a comment

“How come I’ve been only having boys?” I said to Mickey jokingly as I brought our new son home from the hospital.

Meet my newborn son, Lucas Carrigan.

I let Mickey be in the family picture this time, ha ha.
Lucas was born Loves the Outdoors and Virtuoso.

Dylan’s thirteenth birthday was today.
And everyone was there to celebrate.

I was so sad that my little man wasn’t…little at all anymore.

He gained the Hopeless Romantic trait to add to his traits of Good, Genius, and Virtuoso.
What’s with the terrible baseball cap? I don’t know, but he looked good in it.

Baby 5 might be on the way ๐Ÿ˜‰

Lucas aged into a toddler and is the spinning image of his older brother Jack.

Black hair and brown eyes, he is such a cutie.

“Happy Birthday Lucas!”

“Mom I gave Lucas a bottle but uhhh…he needs to be changed.” I laughed, “I’m coming sweetie.”

Dylan was getting pretty good at guitar while Jack attempted to write on the computer.

Dylan also liked helped out with the toddlers.

A few weeks after Dylan’s birthday I went to talk to Mickey.
“So the doctor called…” I started, “and you’re pregnant?” He interrupted.

“How’d you know?” He laughed really hard, “honey, this is the fifth time we’ve done this dance. I can tell once you start throwing up and start having mood swings.”

He was still really excited either way.

“I love you Carls.”
“I love you too Mickey.”

One night after putting the kids to bed me and Mickey sat in the living room to talk.
“I think that if we continue this, we need to find those people…that were conducting this experiment originally.”
“I couldn’t agree more, but I have no clue where to even begin to look. Mom and Dad never told me anything about them.” I frowned.

“How are we supposed to find them Michael?” He shook his head, “I don’t have a clue, but I’ll ask around…”

The next few weeks went by smoothly.

The newest baby was due any day now and I began teaching Lucas how to walk while his brother Henry played with his toy that he fondly named Rosie.

It was time for Henry’s birthday. Mickey had another game, he was due for his big promotion any day now, so he couldn’t make it for Henry’s birthday sadly enough.
Jack, Dylan, and I would have to party a little extra just for him, ha ha.

Look at his cute little brow! XD

Happy Birthday Sweetie!

He gained the Family Oriented trait (oddly enough) to add to his other traits of Evil and Genius.

Dad came home just in time for cake, so we all sat down for some.

After birthday cake, everyone sat around and hung out.

Lucas wasn’t given a special toy from some random relative, so, to make up for it…

He played with this car all of the time. It was too adorable.

Since Jack and Henry were both children now, we needed a little bit more space, so, we scrounged together some change and added on this bedroom.

(There’s four beds because I have two other little ones who will be children one day, they will all eventually fill up this room. And they’re all boys, so we saved a ton of money not having separate bedrooms for everyone, ha ha!)

We decided that since Dylan had a part time job, (a possible girlfriend?), and straight A’s in high school we gave him his own room.

I said possible girlfriend before because Dylan is always on the phone with some girl named…Evelyn? I believe her name is Evelyn.

I turned off the TV and went into the garden for a little while before putting the kids to bed.

Soon after I turned on the sprinklers, my water broke. “Ah!”

I ran inside to tell Mickey, but he saw me through the window.

“I saw you in the garden sweetheart, I’m getting Lucas and I told Dylan to watch the two trouble makers.” I panted in the corner, “oh…okay…”

You’ll meet my newborn next chapter. ๐Ÿ˜‰


1.13 Jack’s Birthday

July 18, 2012 § Leave a comment

Henry eats more than the entire army I swear.
But it means he’s healthy, right?

I made a little fenced in area right next to the garden so the kids can be outside with me while I’m gardening.
And Dylan loves to play with his baby brother Henry.

And he’s really close with his younger brother, Jack.

“You’re not supposed to eat the people Jack! They’re supposed to get jobs and make money and stuff.” Jack giggled and kept chewing on the dolls. Eventually Dylan gave up on trying to stop his brother.
“Whatever werido! But that’s not how you play!” Dylan left him to play by himself.

After I put all of the boys to bed,

Me and Mickey found some time for each other.

Maybe baby 4 is on the way?

I’ve learned very quickly that baby Henry is always tired, no matter what. He’s always yawning. It’s adorable. :p

(excuse the mess on the counters, I’m surrounded by men/boys who don’t clean and I’m always pregnant, so when do I have time, right?)
“Do you want to join any after school activities?” I asked Dylan one day over breakfast.
“Not really. I like playing chess with you when I come home.” I smiled, “alright kid. We’ll keep playing chess after school. What about when you’re older?”
He thought about it for a while, “hm, maybe I’d like to join something like debate team. In high school?” He said. “Sure.”

Later that day it was time for Jack’s birthday. Dylan was so excited about his favorite brother becoming a child.

Per usual I baked a cake.
Unfortunately Mickey had to work and couldn’t make it.
So me, Dylan, and Jack had to party without him.

Jack blew out all of his candles and giggled in delight.

He gained the trait Absent Minded to add to his other traits of Brave and Excitable.
Look at that crazy hair. o-o

While me and Dylan ate some birthday cake, Jack decided to preside over his royal kitchen kingdom.

I found out I was pregnant soon after Jack aged into a child.

The months flew by and before I knew it was Henry’s birthday.

He got his dad’s ears and eyes and my hair! Yay!
(I thought maybe I’d only be having Michael clones.)
He’s so adorable I could eat him with a spoon :p Too bad he’s a cranky little evil child.

Isn’t he an adorable little evil genius?

Yes. Yes he is. :p

The house was bustling normally, but we had all fallen into a comfortable routine.
The boys always got up, ate breakfast, and went to the school without me and Michael’s help anymore. It was sort of breaking my heart that my boys were becoming so independent.
I gardened while the boys were in school.

And whenever I gardened, Mickey tried to teach little Henry to talk.

The boys come home from school and do homework.

Dylan normally gave Henry his bottle while we all ate dinner together.

And after dinner, Dylan and Jack played with their imaginary friends.

The day Jack aged up, Dylan begged me and Michael to get them bunk beds, so they could share Dylan’s room. And how could we say no?
It’s cute how close they are.
The boys crawl into their bunk beds.

Cuteness! And either me or Michael puts little Henry to bed.

I was due any day now and Mickey was at work while the boys were at school and I was at home alone with Henry.

So I made myself some pancakes.

After breakfast I tried teaching Henry how to walk.

“Come to Mommy Henry!”

He was easy to teach and caught on quickly.

My two oldest children came home and they immediately did homework in front of the tv.

“Mama can I rub your belly?” I laughed, “sure honey.”

“Do you want a brother or a sister Dylan?”
He thought about it for a long time, but finally said, “I think I’d like to have a sister around. It couldn’t be so bad. Nah. I’d rather have another brother. Girls are gross!” I laughed. “Hopefully you’ll be happy either way?” I asked. And he shook his head, “of course Mama!”

After gardening for a bit, I went to go take a shower before dinner.

While I was in the shower though…

My water broke.

And baby four was on his or her way. (:


1.12 Welcome Baby 3, Henry

July 14, 2012 § 1 Comment

Starting off our Saturday morning…

While Mickey attempted to teach Jack to walk I read a book.

And Dylan played little practical jokes.

It’s harmless and normal Mickey is the only victim.

See what I mean? This happened after breakfast dishes were being done.

Before I made everyone’s lunch, I finished teaching Jack to walk. He’s waddling everywhere now!

While I cooked, Dylan drove the couch while Mickey read a book.

Everyone ate together (including little Jack in his high chair!)

After lunch Dylan and Mickey played tag while I taught Jack how to talk.

I couldn’t believe time was going by so fast…it was already Dylan’s first day of school.

So I got up and made him some pancakes for breakfast.

“Don’t be nervous about your first day, okay kid? You’ll be just fine.”
Dylan smiled, “yeah I guess so Mommy. I’ll just miss you.”
Ah. He breaks my heart, “I know sweetheart and you know I’ll miss you too.”

I hugged him before his bus pulled out front, and I watched him leave.

While I was trying to make Mickey something to eat…

Baby 3 decided now was a good time to start coming out.
“Ohhh! Mickey my water broke!”

He ran in the kitchen and asked if I was okay, then he calmed himself down.

Walked away and got Jack.

“Let’s go Carls.” He said, leading the way.
(He handled the news that I was going into labor very well.
Normally I hear a lot of screaming and asking what to do.)

Did I mention part of my surprise was a van? ๐Ÿ˜€
Well it was. Anyway. We drove to the hospital.

Everything went fine, and I gave birth to yet another boy.
We named him Henry Carrigan, born genius and evil.

Welcome to the world little Henry (:


1.11 Dylan’s Birthday

July 12, 2012 § Leave a comment

(author’s note, the new house is a lot made by EA I just re-decorated some of it. I don’t take for credit for building it or anything, ha ha. And this isn’t their house that will be put up on the exchange.)

I unlocked the front door and noticed Jack was playing on the floor and his dad was going out the door for a jog.

I’ll give everyone the grand tour…ha ha.

Kitchen with breakfast nook bar.

Dining with enough for 5 (including toddler).

Dining room/foyer/kitchen/living room area.

Other half of the foyer and the entertainment room.


Nursery half of the master bedroom.

Master bathroom.


Front yard.
Not too shabby, right? Best surprise ever.


A couple weeks after settling in I started having morning sickness.
Baby 3 letting me knowย she‘s in there quite possibly?

It was time for Dylan to become a child. I was so happy. I baked a cake.

And his dad was even there to celebrate.

My little boy isn’t so little anymore. ):
(He gained the Virtuoso trait to add to his Good and Genius traits.)

I was always playing chess with Dylan. He was always such a wiz kid.

And has the best thinking face. :p

In addition to being a wiz at chess, he could build pretty cool stuff on the block table with his little brother, Jack.

“Baby three is on the way! The doctor called earlier!” And as always, Michael was really excited.

“You know I love you right?”
I giggled, “why of course.”

“I bet it’s another boy, only because I want a girl so bad.” I joked.

I liked having the nursery in our bedroom. It was nice knowing I was so close to my little ones.


1.10 Acceptance

July 12, 2012 § Leave a comment

“I think we may as well give it a try I guess.” I blurted one night while me and Mickey were laying in bed.
He laughed, “what do you mean?”
“Maybe we can do this…you know…have and raise ten children. And maybe we should…but I think we should go talk to whoever was originally conducting-” He cut me off with kisses.

And we didn’t waste anymore time talking…

The next morning Jack wailed for breakfast.

And woke up his older brother in the process.

I got up and asked Mickey to help me for one sec, I can’t hold two screaming toddlers.

We got them up and out of their cribs and changed them.

Michael took Jack and fed him in the high chair while I just gave Dylan a bottle on the floor.

Michaelย  ran out the door to go to work and I played, fed, and changed the toddlers all day. He came home and took Jack with him, “I’ll call you when I’m there.” I rolled my eyes. “What’s going on Mickey?” He laughed, “it’s a surprise love.” And he headed out the door.

My phone chimed and I answered it.

“What do you mean you bought a house?”
“It was a steal, I had to. I dipped into my inheritance though. Bring Dylan and meet me at the address I texted you.”

Soon I got a text, grabbed Dylan…

And caught a cab towards the new house.


1.9 The Fishing Hole

July 11, 2012 § Leave a comment

Time: 16:45
Location: Ed’s meeting place in Twinbrook deemed “The Fishing Hole”

Man on left: Why are you always late? It’s been three and a half hours!
Ed: Got struck in traffic, cool your jets boss. I’m here now. What’s the rush?
Man on left: Traffic? For time’s sake you couldn’t just teleport?
Ed: Ah shut your trap, what does the General want?

Man on left: Look. You remember that girl and her family? The ones we…
Ed: Slow down, I thought we had an agreement about that night? I thought we said we would never to talk about it man? Come on.

Man on left: We have a huge problem. I was showing the General the new machine, the memory storage bank? And I…I…I used Carlee Smithe’s birthday memory as the demonstration. I…I don’t know what I was thinking. He stood over my shoulder and I checked her activity, and…
Ed: Oh no. No Jim. I’m not doing this again. I can’t. I lost Katherine and the kids because of what we did.
Man on left: I know. I know. Let me finish my sentence! Jeez. Anyway. She started…the project. And since we’re licensed to…uh…you know.

Man on left: Instead of turning her in, why don’t we monitor her family and her project?
Ed: Huh…have any idea where she is?
Man on left: In fact I do…Sunset Valley.

1.8 Erased Memory 1

July 10, 2012 § Leave a comment

“When we erase a memory, it actually comes to this computer,” he demonstrated by playing a five second clip of what the General had been eating for breakfast this morning. The General looked pleased, “you think that’s impressive? Computer, playback of Carlee Smithe’s file, EM1.”

And the computer screened flickered a grainy image…

“Happy Birthday Carlee!” My mom, dad, and older sister Gwen cheered as I was contemplating what to wish for my birthday. I heard a whisper and a tap on my shoulder from my best friend, Michael.

“Happy Birthday Carls.” He said, smiling at me “Thank you.”

I wished and blew out my candles.
Mom ran over to Dad and whispered something, “Oh, me and Gwen will go with you. Michael do you and Carlee mind holding down the fort?”

We nodded our heads ‘no’.
And with that they left.

Me and Mickey sat on the couch in the den.
“So…is it weird…knowing that…” he cleared his throat awkwardly, “we’re going to be married in a couple years?”
I laughed, “nope. I’ve always known I’d marry you.”

He smiled, “you think you would like me if we weren’t arranged to be married? If we just met?”

“Of course.” I smiled.

The image faded out and the General looked even more pleased.
“Who is that girl? She looks…so familiar…” he said, tapping his finger on the screen.
“That’s Carlee Smithe. Her parents were…taken care of once they had seen what the project was about but refused to participate.”
“And the boy?”
“Yeah. Her boyfriend or something, names Mickey…something. I don’t really know.” The tech said, “she hasn’t had any activity lately-” he clicked a couple of times and then gasped. “General you’ll want to see this.”
He peered over his shoulder and looked at the screen, “well I’ll be damned.”
“Should we go check it out sir?” The tech said, grabbing his cell phone, “yes, and bring your brother, the skinny one, what’s his name? Ah. Ed. Bring Ed.”
The General cracked his knuckles, “find out just what they think they’re doing.” He walked out of the room and left the computer tech on the phone with his brother.

“Ed, we got a job. It’s for the General. Meet you at the fishing hole in twenty.”
He slammed the phone shut and ran out of the office.

1.7 Denial

July 9, 2012 § Leave a comment

Thank jeebus I was almost doing potty training Dylan.
He’s made huge messes in the past couple of months…

Although we had a routine with Dylan, adding Jack into the mix made things…complicated. I’m not much of a multi-tasker and I don’t think I’m a number one mom, but I try. And Michael is always willing to help me out.

Even though the house was hectic with a baby and a toddler in the house, I still found time and clipped coupons to save on groceries.

Jack aged into a toddler and looks just like his older brother.

Aren’t they precious? (They Mohawk was Mickey’s touch.)

So one night after feeding the boys and making dinner and all that good stuff, I decided to ask Mickey the question that had been nagging at me.
“Do you think you could put the kids to bed, and we can talk?” I asked and he nodded, going to put Dylan and Jack in their cribs.

“So…why were you so freaked out when I said I wasn’t sure if I wanted to have any more children?”
Mickey sighed, “do you remember the day your parents and sister died?”

“Mickey how would you even know about that?” I gasped.
“Because I was there. It was your fifteenth birthday party. Your mom and dad went to go get your birthday present. They left us at the house.”

I looked at the ground, “what are you talking about Mickey?”
“The day your parents and sister died. I was there. I know you don’t remember…” I was sort of shocked, how would he know that I don’t remember a single thing about that day? I lied though, “what’s there to remember? My parents and sister died in an accident.” He shook his head no, “Carls…they weren’t in the car when they died. They were injected with something. Whoever killed them put them in the car and drove it over that bridge to stage the deaths.” I couldn’t even say anything.
“Why are you so embarrassed of your ears?” he whispered.
“I’m not embarrassed. They’re just…hideous.” I spat and he laughed at me, “do you even understand why they’re like that?”
“Because I’m a freak.” I rolled my eyes.
“No. Because you’re…I mean…well…” he scratched his neck and shifted uncomfortably on the bench, I guess he decided that being blunt was the best way to go, “Carlee we’re from a race of elves. Your parents and sister were killed because your mother and father refused to…” He shook his head and didn’t finish his sentence.

“What in the he** are you talking about Mickey? My parents weren’t elvesWe aren’t elves…” I scoffed.
“Carlee. Yes you are. Your parents were and so am I.” He said. “Well then why don’t you have the ears?” I scoffed again.
“Not everyone is born with that trait, have you noticed that Dylan has your ears and Jack has mine?” I had kept Dylan’s hair long to hide his ears from Mickey, but I knew I couldn’t keep up that act.

“I don’t even remember the day that my parents and sister died Mickey. How could you?”
He didn’t answer for a while but sighed, “I can’t believe that you really don’t remember me…”
“What is there to remember Mickey? I hadn’t met you until I moved here.”

“When your family was murdered, they sent you into hiding with a foster family and…they wiped some of your memories.” He said. “You won’t ever remember those things, but I can tell you about the things that I know about.”
“Okay okay okay okay. Let’s say I’ll believe all of this mess when you show me proof, so what does that have to do with us having more kids?”

“Your mother and father refused to participate in a study. And they…I mean…” He didn’t finish his sentence and I knew he was being vague on purpose.
“What kind of study?” I asked, rubbing my temples, “you know you sound crazy, right?” I mumbled.
“Look. Carlee. Your parents and my parents were forced to be apart of some huge genetic project. And they, along with my family, were supposed to raise ten children, and pass the legacy on to one of their children and so forth for at least ten generations. They were documenting the results for testing…or something. Only, they obviously didn’t do it. They went into hiding in Twinbrook, but they found our parents. And in turn my father and mother were murdered along with your parents and sister. Not at the same time, but my mom and dad went missing a couple of weeks after yours were murdered. For some reason, they chose not to wipe my memories, but they wiped some of yours.” He said, a serious look on his face. “Your parents had decided that you and I were going to do the study for them. And they told us about the morning of your birthday. Only, they hadn’t told the people doing the tests that they were actually going to go through with it…and…they were gone before they could even say anything.” The unfathomable amount of information he had just told me…
“Carlee…I’ve wanted a lot of kids anyway. And I know it’s not going to be easy, but I’m going to help as much as I can with the kids. I say that we at least try this…because what if we don’t? What if we choose not to have anymore kids? What if…those people track us down? And what if something bad happens to us? What about Dylan and Jack?”

I didn’t give an answer, instead I walked away and went inside the house.

I had to digest all of this information.


1.6 Welcome Baby 2, Jack

July 8, 2012 § Leave a comment

Time has been flying by!

Dylan aged into a toddler and got his daddy’s eyes and hair.
He’s adorable, no?

“The doctor called and said my tests came back positive. Maybe we’ll have a girl this time!” I was so happy when I was telling Michael the good news.

He looked just as excited, “I hope we do too Carls.”

“She’s definitely not as big as Dylan was.” I rolled my eyes and laughed.

“Mickey I’m only like, two months pregnant. I’m not going to just…get huge right away.” We laughed.

Dylan was such a good toddler. He wasn’t a terrible two at all.
He loved playing with his peg box.

Even though he tried to eat the blocks…

Jocasta’s grandmother sent Dylan a cute little toy in the mail. Dylan barely puts it down. :p

Me and Mickey had fallen into a routine with Dylan. (I read somewhere that it was good for little ones to have a routine.)

I tuck him in every night and give him kisses.

And Mickey gets him up every morning.

He feeds Dylan every morning before I wake up and they hang in the kitchen for a while.
One morning I peeped in on them.
“Whatcha got there Champ?”
Dylan continued to stuff his little face but managed to blurt out, “numnums.” and he giggled with delight.

When Mickey looked up Dylan had already finished.
“Hey!” Mickey mock yelled. “Where’d it go little man?!”
Dylan looked at him seriously, “dunno!” He squealed in delight.

Michael shook his head and laughed, then continued eating as Dylan giggled uncontrollably.
They’re such good buds.

Round noon Dylan gets a little nap.

And Mickey’s reading always puts Dylan right out.

While Mickey either worked out (I was on maternity leave we still had time off for our…non existent honeymoon and I was selling my veggies out of the garden to support us temporarily) or wrote on his computer, I was working up a sweat in the garden.

Soon Dylan wakes up from his nap and wails.

And Mickey gives him some dinner.
That’s how most of our days go.

I finally taught Dylan how to talk. I don’t regret a thing at all…I promise.
Even though he blabs a lot now, never stops really.
But it’s cute toddler babble.

After he stopped babbling, I attempted to teach him to walk.

He was excited and eager to stumble over towards me.

“Good job baby!” He giggled, “up up!”
Ha. Of course.

While Dylan played with his peg box, me and Mickey sat down on the couch. “You think you want anymore kids after…you know…” he said nervously. I hadn’t really thought about it.
“I don’t really know Mickey…” I said. He looked sad. “Oh…”
“Why do you ask?” He didn’t answer me. “Mickey…what’s wrong?”
He ignored that question too but said that we should probably talk more later.

After that I left the room.

I went into the nursery to play with Dylan for a while.

“Put it in that one sweetie,” I said pointing to the wrong one to mess with him.

But he put it in the right one anyway.
Smart kid.

Before I knew it though, little baby number two *cross your fingers for a girl!* was on the way.

Michael heard me scream and turned off the tv.

He ran down the hallway, “Are you alright Carlee?” He screamed.

“Oh Jesus you’re in labor again?!” He yelled, freaking out, just like last time (looks like his brave trait doesn’t work).
“Um. Mickey, I have to go into labor to have the baby. It doesn’t just come from a stork, we aren’t in a fairy tale world. Grab Dylan and let’s get going to the hospital.”

We got going and I brought home my newest edition.

Welcome my second son, Jack Carrigan.


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