1.13 Jack’s Birthday

July 18, 2012 § Leave a comment

Henry eats more than the entire army I swear.
But it means he’s healthy, right?

I made a little fenced in area right next to the garden so the kids can be outside with me while I’m gardening.
And Dylan loves to play with his baby brother Henry.

And he’s really close with his younger brother, Jack.

“You’re not supposed to eat the people Jack! They’re supposed to get jobs and make money and stuff.” Jack giggled and kept chewing on the dolls. Eventually Dylan gave up on trying to stop his brother.
“Whatever werido! But that’s not how you play!” Dylan left him to play by himself.

After I put all of the boys to bed,

Me and Mickey found some time for each other.

Maybe baby 4 is on the way?

I’ve learned very quickly that baby Henry is always tired, no matter what. He’s always yawning. It’s adorable. :p

(excuse the mess on the counters, I’m surrounded by men/boys who don’t clean and I’m always pregnant, so when do I have time, right?)
“Do you want to join any after school activities?” I asked Dylan one day over breakfast.
“Not really. I like playing chess with you when I come home.” I smiled, “alright kid. We’ll keep playing chess after school. What about when you’re older?”
He thought about it for a while, “hm, maybe I’d like to join something like debate team. In high school?” He said. “Sure.”

Later that day it was time for Jack’s birthday. Dylan was so excited about his favorite brother becoming a child.

Per usual I baked a cake.
Unfortunately Mickey had to work and couldn’t make it.
So me, Dylan, and Jack had to party without him.

Jack blew out all of his candles and giggled in delight.

He gained the trait Absent Minded to add to his other traits of Brave and Excitable.
Look at that crazy hair. o-o

While me and Dylan ate some birthday cake, Jack decided to preside over his royal kitchen kingdom.

I found out I was pregnant soon after Jack aged into a child.

The months flew by and before I knew it was Henry’s birthday.

He got his dad’s ears and eyes and my hair! Yay!
(I thought maybe I’d only be having Michael clones.)
He’s so adorable I could eat him with a spoon :p Too bad he’s a cranky little evil child.

Isn’t he an adorable little evil genius?

Yes. Yes he is. :p

The house was bustling normally, but we had all fallen into a comfortable routine.
The boys always got up, ate breakfast, and went to the school without me and Michael’s help anymore. It was sort of breaking my heart that my boys were becoming so independent.
I gardened while the boys were in school.

And whenever I gardened, Mickey tried to teach little Henry to talk.

The boys come home from school and do homework.

Dylan normally gave Henry his bottle while we all ate dinner together.

And after dinner, Dylan and Jack played with their imaginary friends.

The day Jack aged up, Dylan begged me and Michael to get them bunk beds, so they could share Dylan’s room. And how could we say no?
It’s cute how close they are.
The boys crawl into their bunk beds.

Cuteness! And either me or Michael puts little Henry to bed.

I was due any day now and Mickey was at work while the boys were at school and I was at home alone with Henry.

So I made myself some pancakes.

After breakfast I tried teaching Henry how to walk.

“Come to Mommy Henry!”

He was easy to teach and caught on quickly.

My two oldest children came home and they immediately did homework in front of the tv.

“Mama can I rub your belly?” I laughed, “sure honey.”

“Do you want a brother or a sister Dylan?”
He thought about it for a long time, but finally said, “I think I’d like to have a sister around. It couldn’t be so bad. Nah. I’d rather have another brother. Girls are gross!” I laughed. “Hopefully you’ll be happy either way?” I asked. And he shook his head, “of course Mama!”

After gardening for a bit, I went to go take a shower before dinner.

While I was in the shower though…

My water broke.

And baby four was on his or her way. (:


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