1.8 Erased Memory 1

July 10, 2012 § Leave a comment

“When we erase a memory, it actually comes to this computer,” he demonstrated by playing a five second clip of what the General had been eating for breakfast this morning. The General looked pleased, “you think that’s impressive? Computer, playback of Carlee Smithe’s file, EM1.”

And the computer screened flickered a grainy image…

“Happy Birthday Carlee!” My mom, dad, and older sister Gwen cheered as I was contemplating what to wish for my birthday. I heard a whisper and a tap on my shoulder from my best friend, Michael.

“Happy Birthday Carls.” He said, smiling at me “Thank you.”

I wished and blew out my candles.
Mom ran over to Dad and whispered something, “Oh, me and Gwen will go with you. Michael do you and Carlee mind holding down the fort?”

We nodded our heads ‘no’.
And with that they left.

Me and Mickey sat on the couch in the den.
“So…is it weird…knowing that…” he cleared his throat awkwardly, “we’re going to be married in a couple years?”
I laughed, “nope. I’ve always known I’d marry you.”

He smiled, “you think you would like me if we weren’t arranged to be married? If we just met?”

“Of course.” I smiled.

The image faded out and the General looked even more pleased.
“Who is that girl? She looks…so familiar…” he said, tapping his finger on the screen.
“That’s Carlee Smithe. Her parents were…taken care of once they had seen what the project was about but refused to participate.”
“And the boy?”
“Yeah. Her boyfriend or something, names Mickey…something. I don’t really know.” The tech said, “she hasn’t had any activity lately-” he clicked a couple of times and then gasped. “General you’ll want to see this.”
He peered over his shoulder and looked at the screen, “well I’ll be damned.”
“Should we go check it out sir?” The tech said, grabbing his cell phone, “yes, and bring your brother, the skinny one, what’s his name? Ah. Ed. Bring Ed.”
The General cracked his knuckles, “find out just what they think they’re doing.” He walked out of the room and left the computer tech on the phone with his brother.

“Ed, we got a job. It’s for the General. Meet you at the fishing hole in twenty.”
He slammed the phone shut and ran out of the office.

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