1.7 Denial

July 9, 2012 § Leave a comment

Thank jeebus I was almost doing potty training Dylan.
He’s made huge messes in the past couple of months…

Although we had a routine with Dylan, adding Jack into the mix made things…complicated. I’m not much of a multi-tasker and I don’t think I’m a number one mom, but I try. And Michael is always willing to help me out.

Even though the house was hectic with a baby and a toddler in the house, I still found time and clipped coupons to save on groceries.

Jack aged into a toddler and looks just like his older brother.

Aren’t they precious? (They Mohawk was Mickey’s touch.)

So one night after feeding the boys and making dinner and all that good stuff, I decided to ask Mickey the question that had been nagging at me.
“Do you think you could put the kids to bed, and we can talk?” I asked and he nodded, going to put Dylan and Jack in their cribs.

“So…why were you so freaked out when I said I wasn’t sure if I wanted to have any more children?”
Mickey sighed, “do you remember the day your parents and sister died?”

“Mickey how would you even know about that?” I gasped.
“Because I was there. It was your fifteenth birthday party. Your mom and dad went to go get your birthday present. They left us at the house.”

I looked at the ground, “what are you talking about Mickey?”
“The day your parents and sister died. I was there. I know you don’t remember…” I was sort of shocked, how would he know that I don’t remember a single thing about that day? I lied though, “what’s there to remember? My parents and sister died in an accident.” He shook his head no, “Carls…they weren’t in the car when they died. They were injected with something. Whoever killed them put them in the car and drove it over that bridge to stage the deaths.” I couldn’t even say anything.
“Why are you so embarrassed of your ears?” he whispered.
“I’m not embarrassed. They’re just…hideous.” I spat and he laughed at me, “do you even understand why they’re like that?”
“Because I’m a freak.” I rolled my eyes.
“No. Because you’re…I mean…well…” he scratched his neck and shifted uncomfortably on the bench, I guess he decided that being blunt was the best way to go, “Carlee we’re from a race of elves. Your parents and sister were killed because your mother and father refused to…” He shook his head and didn’t finish his sentence.

“What in the he** are you talking about Mickey? My parents weren’t elvesWe aren’t elves…” I scoffed.
“Carlee. Yes you are. Your parents were and so am I.” He said. “Well then why don’t you have the ears?” I scoffed again.
“Not everyone is born with that trait, have you noticed that Dylan has your ears and Jack has mine?” I had kept Dylan’s hair long to hide his ears from Mickey, but I knew I couldn’t keep up that act.

“I don’t even remember the day that my parents and sister died Mickey. How could you?”
He didn’t answer for a while but sighed, “I can’t believe that you really don’t remember me…”
“What is there to remember Mickey? I hadn’t met you until I moved here.”

“When your family was murdered, they sent you into hiding with a foster family and…they wiped some of your memories.” He said. “You won’t ever remember those things, but I can tell you about the things that I know about.”
“Okay okay okay okay. Let’s say I’ll believe all of this mess when you show me proof, so what does that have to do with us having more kids?”

“Your mother and father refused to participate in a study. And they…I mean…” He didn’t finish his sentence and I knew he was being vague on purpose.
“What kind of study?” I asked, rubbing my temples, “you know you sound crazy, right?” I mumbled.
“Look. Carlee. Your parents and my parents were forced to be apart of some huge genetic project. And they, along with my family, were supposed to raise ten children, and pass the legacy on to one of their children and so forth for at least ten generations. They were documenting the results for testing…or something. Only, they obviously didn’t do it. They went into hiding in Twinbrook, but they found our parents. And in turn my father and mother were murdered along with your parents and sister. Not at the same time, but my mom and dad went missing a couple of weeks after yours were murdered. For some reason, they chose not to wipe my memories, but they wiped some of yours.” He said, a serious look on his face. “Your parents had decided that you and I were going to do the study for them. And they told us about the morning of your birthday. Only, they hadn’t told the people doing the tests that they were actually going to go through with it…and…they were gone before they could even say anything.” The unfathomable amount of information he had just told me…
“Carlee…I’ve wanted a lot of kids anyway. And I know it’s not going to be easy, but I’m going to help as much as I can with the kids. I say that we at least try this…because what if we don’t? What if we choose not to have anymore kids? What if…those people track us down? And what if something bad happens to us? What about Dylan and Jack?”

I didn’t give an answer, instead I walked away and went inside the house.

I had to digest all of this information.


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