1.15 Welcome Baby 5, Patrick

July 24, 2012 § Leave a comment

Even though I’ve wanted a girl from the beginning, I’ve never been disappointed with any of my children. As I brought home my fifth son, everyone greeted him with huge smiles all around in the living room.

Welcome my baby newborn son, Patrick Carrigan.
He was born with the traits Good and Loner.
(Loner? Yeah right, you’ll have 9 other siblings, I doubt you’ll hardly ever be alone O_O)

One morning soon after I had Patrick, I didn’t wake up in time for breakfast, and I went into the kitchen to find that Dylan had fed his younger brothers and was telling them to get ready for school.

It was awesome to see him being such a great older brother.

After the boys caught their bus and I had put Patrick and Lucas in their swings in the room next to us, Mickey and I find some very rare time alone.

“You know…this is our day off…and Patrick and Luke are asleep in their swings…”

And he never let me finish my sentence.

In the coming months, I never showed any signs of pregnancy.
I was sad, but I kept busy in my garden and decided not to tell Mickey yet.

My garden was pretty big now and producing some great quality veggies and fruits.
We never even went to the grocery store anymore.

I made the mistake of telling these two about the surprise birthday party I had planned for Jack.
And they giggled about it all day, especially Henry.

Soon it was time for the party and Mickey didn’t have a game! So he was there to celebrate his second eldest son becoming a teenager.

He rolled the Insane trait (to add to his other traits of Absent Minded, Brave, and Excitable).
Having two teens in the house sure was going to be interesting.

I still hadn’t told Mickey that I didn’t think I was pregnant, but, I think he noticed my distance.

He had been putting Lucas to bed every night.

And sometimes Dylan would come and get Patrick up, if I wasn’t feeling well enough to get out of bed.


While Mickey and I were in the garden I noticed that Henry was running like he was playing tag, but Dylan and Jack were no where in sight.

(Little do I know it’s actually Henry’s toy, Rosie, coming out to play with him.)

“Mickey I’m finally pregnant!” I said with joy. His grin was from ear to ear and he was beaming. “I’m so happy for us Carlee!”

“I was on my way home today…and I-”

“Mickey, if you bought another motorcycle- I’m going to-”
He laughed, “no sweetheart!”

They were beautiful purple flowers.
“You’re so sweet Mickey…”

Then I gave him a devilish grin…


I know Henry may look sweet, and he really is.
But he has his mean streaks…

I’d given Lucas a lollypop for helping with dishes earlier that day…

“Where’s your lolly Luke?” He said, laughing.
“Lollllleeeee!” Lucas giggled.

Then Henry took his candy.

Once I heard Lucas crying, I ran in the room and scolded Henry.
“Honey… you can’t just take things that don’t belong to you. Now say you’re sorry.” I said sternly.

“I’m sorry Luke. All better?”

“All betta Hennie,” Lucas said in his little voice.

I’d also been noticing that Jack was spending a lot of time alone, outside, looking at the stars by himself.
I figured that maybe Dylan would know why. And that he’d tell me about it if I asked.

“Dill do you know why Jack is always in the backyard…alone?”
Dylan didn’t answer right away and then scoffed.
“Ma you wouldn’t even believe me! It’s crazy!”

I laughed, “honey you can tell me anything,” I said, smiling.

“You know those things that one of your friends sent me and Jack? Those toys? Well apparently Jack played with Puck so much, that he believes he’s an actual person.” I looked at him with a weird look on my face. “What are you talking about Dill?”
He scoffed again, “I told you that you wouldn’t believe me.”

“I have to do homework Mom, could you go?” I was hurt that he was so impatient with me, “Dylan, it’s not that I don’t believe you, I just…it sounds strange…” I said, getting up and leaving.
“Mom…you should talk to Jack…I think that he probably needs you…” Dylan said, starting on his homework.

Henry was still trying to make it up to his little brother for being so mean, so he let him play blocks with him.

We decided this year, that we’d try to have a Christmas card.

First attempt: I forgot to look at the camera.

Second attempt: Dylan looked away and Mickey closed his eyes.

Third attempt: “Mom, I have to pee!” Henry said through clenched teeth and I looked at him with bug eyes, “really sweetheart? Right now?” He laughed, “I’ll hold it…”

Fourth attempt: “Oh my God…was that Luke!?” Mickey asked Dylan, “nah Dad it was Patrick!” He said laughing.

Fifth attempt (after diaper changes): Jack made this face.
And everyone sort of looked at him weird.
Finally the photographer said that we’d have to pick a picture that he had already taken that we liked soon, because he had another appointment.

We finally went with this one…

It may not be the Christmas card photo, but it sure does explain the craziness in our household!

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