1.0 Introduction

July 5, 2012 § Leave a comment

I’m Carlee Smithe. I’m your average 22 year old ditzy girl. I’ve been looking for apartments in Sunset Valley for forever. And finally a chick named Michelle Carrigan, that could be my potential roommate, emailed me back saying she had a room.

So I packed my stuff up and left Twinbrook heading for greener pastures…(hopefully?)

I pulled in the driveway at my new address and saw a guy standing in the front yard, huh. Must be her brother or something. Maybe her boyfriend. I wasn’t sure.
“So hey, I’m Carlee. I’m looking for Michelle?” He smiled, “I’m Mickey, but my real name is Michael.” he said nonchalantly. “Okay. That’s nice, but where is Michelle?”

He laughed, “there’s actually a funny story about that. I made a typo and accidentally typed Michelle. I didn’t even realize it until you had already contacted me and said you were coming to look at the place.”

“Ha ha ha…you’re definitely…not a chick.” I laughed. So I was gunna be roomies with a dude. That’s cool I guess.
“Well. Hey Carlee. I’m glad you’re renting out my room. I’ve gotta do some stuff, so, you go ahead and get settled in.” He walked away to around the side of the house.

The family room had enough seating for four with a bookcase and a tv. Not too shabby.

Kitchen was small, but, I was hoping he wouldn’t mind that I would be cooking in it all the time.

And the room I was renting was small, but cozy.

Now that you’ve met me and Michael. We’ll get started with our story…

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